Inter Art Actuel #118 Trajectoires performatives, Victoria Stanton


« […] With overlapping yet distinct objectives, each segment in its own specific way proffers a synergetic coalescing of intuition, serendipity and fragility. Ultimately this fragility is the process itself, the coordination of all the elements combined in a fine balance of intentionality and surrender. Intuition – and a very basic sense of faith (in the present moment, in the purposefulness of each quest) – is what propels the work forward. And serendipity, the magic of synchronistic happenstance, is what gives this vehicle its fuel. »
– Victoria Stanton, Porous Borders, Fragile Structures and Chance Encounters: Performative Trajectories and the Importance of the Immaterial in the VVV Transfrontier Odyssey Trilogy,  Inter Art Actuel #118, 2014.